Author name: Parcel 2 Ship

Custom Packaging

Benefits Of Custom Packaging For Your Business Parcels

Product packaging plays an important role in business regardless of its industry or sector, whether it is electronics, furniture, art etc. The ideal packaging is supposed to protect the product during shipping while at the same time creating a memorable experience for the consumer. Businesses have recognised that the way to achieve this is through custom packaging.

A customised item is always better compared to a standard product as it is made to suit particular specifications or needs. Custom packaging means ditching standard packages for your product and creating packaging around a business product from scratch. It entails creating an optimal box size for each product and ensuring that the package is designed to protect the product. Custom packaging, though sometimes seen as an unnecessary cost for businesses is important in creating brand awareness, protecting products and saving costs.

A business that adopts custom packaging benefits in various ways.

1. Creates brand awareness

The packaging of a product is very important in improving the perception of the brand in the eyes of the consumer. Particularly, online consumers who interact with a particular brand only when they receive the package, will base their perception of the brand on that experience. A substandard packaging is likely to make the consumer feel the brand is of lower quality. This is not something any business would like to contend with as it can slowly lead to brand erosion.

Custom packaging can leverage innovation and uniqueness to make a personal connection with the consumer. Character design on brand packaging can lead to consumers developing trust for a particular brand. The packaging colors or theme can help the customers connect with the brand. The emotional connection that a customer has with a brand is very important as this ensures the sustainability of customer loyalty and affinity for the brand. A package with a unique feel or look will increase customer loyalty to the brand.

2. Creates an awesome user experience

Custom packages usually possess the unique characteristics of a particular brand from its logo to its distinguishing features. Packaging forms part of the user experience as it represents the users’ first interaction with a product. Poor packaging will negatively impact user satisfaction and their perception of the brand.

3. Save on packaging and shipping costs

Products come in different sizes and shapes. Furthermore, some products have different accessories that accompany them. Using the same packaging for different products is highly inefficient. With the right package size a business reduces the amount of filler material that is needed. Products are packed properly in manner that minimises the wastage of materials.

A tight fit packaging is also important in the saving costs in shipping especially now that dimensional weight shipping standards have been adopted by the shipping industry. The dimensional weight is calculated as an estimate from the length, width and height of a package. The greater of the actual weight and the dimensional weight is used to calculate the shipping cost. A business that uses custom packaging will use optimal packaging for its products thus saving on parcel shipping costs.

4. Protection of the products

Custom packaging usually contains internal sections and extra padding on the inside to ensure the product is protected. Keeping the product properly protected ensures that the product has a longer shelf life and that it will reach the customer in good condition.

Most of the time, customised packaging helps in ensuring that there is enough protection on the package to guarantee adequate protection for the product. A custom package prevents the product from shifting and consequently breaking during transit. Custom packaging with boxes of the right size, adequate padding material and special corner protection pieces help to ensure that the product reaches the customer in perfect condition.

In conclusion, custom packaging entails much more than boxes with logos. It means having a package that protects the product while being of an optimal size to save on packaging padding and shipping costs. Most importantly, the package has to be put up in a way that it creates a positive experience with the customer. A custom package must stand out in terms of theme, color, size and functionality to provide a positive experience to the customer and to reinforce the brand.

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How to Move Homes With Kids – Without Going Crazy!

Moving home with kids can make one go crazy if not planned correctly. Today we are going to explore how to do it right. If you do it wrong you might get some new grey hairs by the time your move is done. If you do it right you’ll be loving life and your kids won’t be impacted too much by the move.

Before Moving Day

To get this right you need to start planning well before you move. Kids are, well, kids, right? Dropping something on a child like “honey we are moving today so say goodbye to your room… forever” is not a good idea. In fact, it’s very bad parenting. It’s best to let your kids know that you plan to move at least a month before.

Even sooner is better! Think back to being a child and having to leave your school if you were to move far away. That means leaving your friends. Leaving all your favourite spots you play at the local park and event daycare and all those friends. It’s not a fun thing to go through so you should prepare your kids for what will take place.

Look into all the new opportunities that you kids will have where you are moving. All the parks, the new daycare, the new school they will attend and start to reinforce how good it’s going to be.

During the Move

Like we mentioned above get the kids involved with the moving process. You will have a lot of organisation to do with de-cluttering before you start packing. So get them involved and then get them involved in packing also.

This is a great opportunity to teach your kids some life skills also. Basic things like packing their room together is also a good opportunity for some relationship building. Let them plan out how they will pack their room under your guidance.

Tip: Make sure their favourite toys are packed last. This way they have something to ‘hold on to’ from your now old home and there will be less emotional de-attachment for your kids.

Once the packing is done move them through what will happen on moving day.

Moving Day

The best advice for moving day with kids is to keep the kids out of the house. Drop them at the in-laws or a trusted friend after they say their final goodbyes. This way they are in a comfortable spot with people they are trust tehmselves instead of at daycare or somewhere that they have been dropped and have fellings of abandonment.

If you have the kids in the car with you during the move you can play their favourite songs to keep something familiar in their head.

Setting into the New Home

After the move is done the best thing you can do is make your kids their favourite home cooked meal the first night. Too once again, you guessed it, create familiarity.

Have your kids unpack their rooms and set things up how they want. But make sure you oversee it and once again create a familiar and safe space for them by making their room look the same as the old room.

Another thing you can do is to make sure the routine that takes place on a daily basis is routine and things are not chaso in the household so they adjust quicker. This is proven to work to help kids adjust faster.

If your kids behave differently during the move or even in the weeks after the move don’t be alarmed. To be blunt you might have just ripped their world apart if you pulled them out of school. So they need time to adjust, they will adjust eventually, but as kids, they need time, more than adults do.

To fast track their adjustment get them involved in daycare ASAP. Get them playing with their new friends on weekend. Get them going to the local park and so on. And of course there is school. The faster they get back to school the better as this is the easiest way for kids for make new friends.

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Avoid These Common Mistakes on Moving Day

If you have been reading our blog since the early days then you know moving can be a stressful experience. Or perhaps you have moved homes once or twice yourself and know first hand what we are talking about.

Below are a few things to keep in mind to keep those stress levels right down.

Don’t Leave Everything to Late!

Procrastination is a killer and you know what we are talking about.

Every soul on the planet is guilty of it. Don’t do it! It’s tempting to say you will deal with planning your move tomorrow and then repeat the same thing a week later but if you are not organised on moving day things will be a mess.

If possible start planning your move one month in advance. 2 weeks is the absolute latest you should be planning the move if you are really busy and pressed for time.

This means you should start packing one month before you plan on moving. This way you can slowly segment your move instead of cramming everything the day before moving.

DIY Is Not For Everyone

DIY moving is an option but it’s not for everyone. It’s actually not as cheap as you think it’s going to be as there are always several added costs that will come up like extra fuel and movers insurance. This is especially true if you are moving across the country.

It’s always better the hire a moving company that does full service moving. For example removals Swindon or at least go for a man and a van option. Unless of course your day job is in the transport industry already and you know you are going to have everything covered.

Don’t Forget Your Moving Day Survival Kit

When you move into your home you are going to have something like 100 boxes that are all taped up. It is foolish to try to rummage through everything to find things like your toiletries or your phone charger.

It’s much better to plan to pack a box or two that is going to have the first few days worth of essentials that you will need. Such as toiletries, electronics, maybe some kitchen equipment and utensils, makeup for the ladies and a week’s worth of clothes.

This way you know if you need something on the first or second day in your new home it’s going to be in your survival box. If you stick to these tips you will make your move much smoother!

You can also watch this video for some bonus moving house tips.


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Sea Freight

The Best Transport Ideas For Moving Internationally

If you are moving your home internationally, you need to consider what the transportation options are. Your options will vary depending on the number of items you want to move and where you are going to move to. The most common transport ideas will be sea freight, air freight and land transportation.

Why You Should Choose Sea Freight

If you are moving internationally, the first transportation idea you should consider is sea freight. This will involve placing your possessions in a shipping container and having it sail to your international destination. There are a number of reasons why you should look into this transport option with the primary one being the cost.

Sea freight is generally the cheapest transportation option when moving internationally. Of course, there is a downside to this that you need to be aware of. This is the fact that sea freight is also the slowest transportation option. The slower speed is one of the reasons why this transport method is much cheaper than the others.

The amount of time that it takes for your possessions to reach their destination will vary depending on a few factors. The first is where you are moving to. The farther the final destination, the longer the transportation is going to take.

Another factor is how often the sea freight company you use sails. There are some companies that only sail to certain destinations once a week while others will sail every few days. The more often they sail, the sooner you will generally be able to get your possessions.

Why You Should Choose Air Freight

Another transport idea will be air freight which is one of the faster methods of moving your possessions. Most moving experts would recommend that you choose sea freight instead of air freight for a number of reasons. The cost will generally be the most important because air freight is much more expensive than sea freight.

Another reason will be the fact that you cannot actually send as much with air freight. If you are moving your entire home, you would be spending several thousand on air freight for and some items may not be taken. Of course, there is one primary benefit that many people consider when looking at this transport option.

This is the speed with which you will get your possessions. Air freight can take a few days to reach your new home while sea freight could take up to a month. If you are willing to spend more to get your possessions as quickly as possible, this will be the best transport idea for you.

Why You Should Consider Land Transport

Land transport is not something you can always consider when moving internationally. This will only be a viable option if you are moving to a country that shares a land border with the one that you are leaving. If you are moving from the UK to continental Europe, you will be able to choose land transport via the channel tunnel.

There are a lot of moving companies that offer land transport when you move internationally. This is a good option when you want to get your possessions in a timely manner, but do not want to break your bank account. Land transport is faster than sea freight, but slower than air freight. It will also carry a cost that is in the middle of the other options.

Reduce Your Possessions

When you are moving internationally, you need to look at reducing the number of items that you want to take with you. This is important regardless of the transportation option you are going to choose. When you have fewer possessions, you will be able to save money and potentially time.

If you have a small consignment for sea freight, it can often be placed in a container with other freight. This could result in your possessions being shipped sooner. You will also pay less because you are not using as much space in the container or moving truck.

There are 3 ways that you can transport your possessions when you move internationally. The cheapest is sea freight, the most expensive is air freight and the middle option is land transport. However, it is important to note that land transport will not always be an option depending on where you are moving to.

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How To Cut Costs When Moving Homes

Moving house can be expensive! Just ask anyone who has moved a full family home across a city let alone across the country. Let dive into some tips to slash the cost of moving as every penny helps, right!

De-clutter, Then Pack

This is an easy one that will save you money. Organise before you move.

If you organise instead of just cramming everything into boxes you will use fewer boxes than you were planning to and this will lower your cost if you are planning to use a moving company. Or reduce the number of trips you will have to make if you do a DIY move.

In addition, you will have everything organised so you will be able to sell off things locally with a garage sale that you don’t need or if that is not you style then you can seel on eBay or Craigslist.

One more thing to add to this section is to weight up the cost of moving furniture if you are moving across the country. Moving furniture can cost you a lot of money so it can be worth it to actually sell your old furniture and buy new furniture when you move into your new home.

The Mid Week Move

Have you heard of the mid week move? Also known as the money saving move. If it’s not clicking for you here is a hint. Everyone is trying to move on the weekend. This is a perfect example of supply and demand. If everyone is trying to move on Saturday or Sunday then the moving companies are charging more for weekend moves.

If you can move midweek then do so and make sure you confirm the rate you are getting with your moving company is going to be a weekday rate.

Tip: Friday is also the weekend when it comes to moving. A lot of people take off a Friday to move and spend Saturday and Sunday unpacking. So when we say move midweek we mean from Monday to Thursday. Tip provided by Fox Removals Perth.

Free Boxes

Don’t pay a dime for boxes as you can get them for free. Think about all your friend who has moved in the past you could ask.

If that fails, go to the local supermarket and they will happily hand them over as it costs them money to pay staff to break them down and put them in the recycling bin. If you take them off their hands it’s free of charge. So don’t be shy and ask your local supermarket for their spare boxes, that will be thrown out anyhow.

Another option is to get boxes from the moving company that you are going to use for your move. Any good moving company should be supplying boxes for your move. If you are using their bottom tier budget service this might not be the case but the mid-range services and above should include moving boxes.

Food In Your New Home

When you move into your new home forget cooking for the first few days. You will be so busy unpacking that it will just stress you out.

In the day and age, we live in with food delivery apps like Uber Eats or just searching Google for something like ‘food delivery + city’ there is no need to add that extra stress. Just eat in.

Or better yet use the opportunity you have to explore the local food scene around your new home to find your new favourite go-to spot for dinner.

Hopefully, you found this article helpful. If you want more moving tips then look just below and you should see some more articles to dive right into.

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5 Things To Cross Off Before Moving Homes

When you are planning to move into a new home it can be very time consuming and stressful. And that is only the move itself. Just take a look at our two-part moving guide (read part 1 here – read part 2 here) and you will see what we mean!

What else do you need to deal with? How about redirecting mail? Storing your belongings if needed? Cancelling local services? These are just three of the many aspects of moving home.

Let get into it shall we. Here are our top five most missed points that you need to cross off before you move homes.

1. Mail Redirection

Have you given any thought to how much time and effort it’s going to take to call every company that sends you mail? A lot!

It’s almost impossible to cover all of them. And dot every ‘i’and and cross every single last darn ‘t’. A better approach is to use a mail redirections service in combination with the list below. This way any services that you miss who send you mail will still get to you and then you can call them and make the changes later on.

The List:

    • Bank Accounts / Credit Cards
    • Drives License
    • Insurance
    • Services (Phone & Internet)
    • Address Lodged with the Government

You should also let your boss know you’re moving and get your address updated at work.

The best thing to do is to speak to the post office about what services are offered for redirection. Each country is different and we have readers from all around the globe. The charge is generally very nominal and well worth it.

2. Book End of Tenancy Cleaning

This might not seem obvious but there are generally only a few instances that you need to move home:

  1. Lease has expired.
  2. You are selling your own home.
  3. You are moving out of your own home as you will rent the place.

Each one of these pretty much justifies having  professional end of tenancy cleaning done. If you rent it’s going to part of your contract that you can’t clean yourself in most circumstances. If you are moving out of your own home due to a sale to have new owners move in it’s very respectable to have professional cleaning done so the new people moving into a clean property.

Make sure you get your cleaning booked in ASAP and far ahead of schedule in case it’s hard to get a booking. It’s best to get the cleaning booked in on the same day and the move or the day after. This way you can have everything wrapped up and done with your now old home within a day of moving out.

3. Cancel Local Services

If there are any local services that you can’t transfer to your new home you need to cancel them. For example, your internet services provider does not cover the area you are moving to.

If you don’t do this you might not get a refund as the service company will turn around and simply say the service was provided and it doesn’t matter if you didn’t use it. And they are quite right from that perspective, that’s hard to dispute as harsh as that might sound. But they did supply you with a service and you did agree to pay.

So make sure you cancel anyhting you can take with you.

4. Parking Permits

Some properties need parking permits. If you are going to be living in a built-up area or close to the town centre for example.

The last thing you want is a welcome gift in the first week of living in your new home such as a towed car or a council parking fine. Speak to the estate agent you are dealing with or the owner if you are dealing directly about the parking situation on the street.

5. Book Time Off Work

This is something no one is going to tell you about. If you have a small apartment for one then sure you might be able to finish your move in a few hours on a Saturday morning. But if you have a full family home it’s best to take a good three days off work starting on Friday.

Friday can be the real moving day. Then you have Saturday to Tuesday night to fully finish your move with everything unpacked so you feel like your new home is actually a home, and not a hotel.

That’s it! If you follow these five steps before moving day then you will cover off what most people forget and you won’t be scrambling last minute to get things done.

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Our HUGE 2 Part House Moving & Packing Tips Collection [Part 2]

Welcome back! This is part two of our massive two-part moving and packing tips series. You can read part-one here that covered the packing side of things. Today’s blog posts is going to cover the moving side of things.

Moving Checklist

Below is our moving checklist. If you cover all the points on our checklist your are going to have your move covered. Don’t miss anything!

These tips are more for DIY moving vs hiring a moving company to help you move just so you know.

  • Van (or Truck) Hire – The first thing that should spring to you mind when doing a DIY move is van hire. It’s always a good option if you want to keep costs low and don’t have much to move. Or if you have an extra set of hands to help you move such as a partner or flat mates. But make sure you are insured for your self move!
  • Man and Van – Another good option to move is to hire a man and van as it’s called. This means you are hiring a driver for the van and depending on the company you hire will depend on the level of help you’ll get. So companies offer a hands-on service to help you pack the truck.  Some companies offer a more budget service with just a driver who only drives.Both are good options as you don’t have to worry about fuel or insurance costs.
  • Multiple Trips – Don’t pack a van so heavy that it’s uncomfortable for you to drive. Or if you are going really cheap and using your car and doing several trips do one or two more trips. You don’t want to block your view or have your things pushing against you as you drive. This can be dangerous!
  • Plan Ahead – It should be quite easy for you to figure out how much fuel you will need based on your cars mileage. It’s best to have a spare jerrycan of fuel in the car in case you run short as you will be burning more fuel with a fully loaded car.
  • Unloading Tips – This next tip ties into the packing tips from part-one of this series. Remember when you labelled all your boxes. As you unload at your new place make sure you carry the boxes right into the room they need to go in. So the bedroom boxes go right to the bedroom and so on. This will save you the trouble of moving all the boxes twice, from the door of your new home to where they need to go anyhow.
  • First-Night Box – The first box you should take into your new home should be your first-night supplies box and make sure to put it in the kitchen. This way you will know where you essentials for the first night are.
  • Hire Help for Furniture – You can hire a handyman by the hour or maybe agree on a special rate with a moving company to come to and help you re-build your furniture if you don’t have a friend who can help. This should be one of the first things you do before you unpack.
  • Unpack Routinely – Don’t just start randomly unpacking. You made you checklist of everything that is in each box so use it! Unpack boxes as they are needed and put everything away planed and accordingly.
  • Unpack Over Time – Don’t unpack over just an afternoon. Unpack over a few days or a week. This way your move is going to be a lot less stressful than doing everything in one day.

When you have finished your move don’t forget to change contact details with everyone who requires them such as your banks, the government, your phone provider and so on.

That is basically it! You’re done! Yay!

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Our HUGE 2 Part House Moving & Packing Tips Collection [Part 1]

After a little prep work we are finally bringing you what we know you have been waiting for. Our HUGE collection of moving and packing tips. If you are relocating your home or business. Within the same city or town or even across the country then today’s massive guide is going to help you.

Don’t forget to share the love and point those you know are moving soon towards this article. Use the social icons to your left to share! This blog post is for packing. Part two is the moving part of the series.

Moving Is Tedious!

Moving home can be a very tedious task! You don’t have to tell us that! As we know it and you know it after you move for the first time in your life.

Because moving has so many fine details that you need to remember to cross of it’s important to have some kind of packing and moving check list to work from.

Today is the day we turn you boring and tedious packing experience into something that makes sense and is a little fun also.

Our Packing Checklist

Here is our packing checklist. If your stick to this checklist you should have no problems with your move as everything will be covered.

  • Self Pack vs Professional Pack – Pick what you will pack yourself and what you will leave to a professional packing company.
  • Buy Packing Supplies – You can buy moving boxes for the local store if you are on a budget or if you have more cash to splurge your can pick up very high-quality packing boxes from your local removals company.
  • Buy Packing Supply Extras – You need more than boxes. You need bubble wrap, markers, zip-locks bags and heavy duty packing tape just to name a few. Make sure you stock up!Bonus Tip: Buy from a store that is happy to accept returns so you can stock up once and not have to go back to the store several times juggling a budget.
  • Clean Packing – Don’t use old newspaper even if you’re on a budget. Use packing paper. The same paper a butcher uses to wrap meat. Newspaper will stain everything!
  • Strong Boxes – Use strong reinforced boxes. Don’t use cheap boxes. If you think a box is going to be problematic. Then tape down the sides, the top, and the bottom of a box with 5+ layers of tape. If anything, you should do this for every box just in case.
  • Systemise – Come up with a basic system for what you’ve packed. Maybe write what is in each box (eg. Clothes) and then also write where the box needs to go in your new place. That way it’s easy to manage when you move into your new place.
  • Make Lists – Number all your boxes and make short lists of what is in each box. This way when you just move into your new home and are unpacking for the first week or so you will know where everything is if you need something “in the moment”.
  • Pack Small First – Start by packing all the small things that are not used too often. For example everything in your garage, books, old DVDs, paperwork and so on. This way you get all the little and annoying things out of the way and you’re not trying to cram them into random boxes at the end.
  • Pack By Room – Pack each room separately and don’t start packing a new room until you are done packing the previous room. Also, leave the boxes in the middle of the room as you fill them, tape them up and label them. This way nothing will go missing and you will know where everything is.
  • Spread Weight Around – Don’t cram all the heavy things into one corner of a box. Spread the weight around the box as you pack.
  • Don’t Over-pack – Boxes can only take so much. If you over pack you might end up carrying a box and everything will fall out of the bottom and potentially break. Most boxes are rated to 20kg so keep that in mind.
  • Fill the Void – Don’t leave empty spaces in boxes. Pack in spare towels, clothes or even packing paper. If you have empty spaces in boxes things might move around and break during transport.
  • Don’t Force Boxes – If a box needs to be really forced to stay closed and taped down then remove some items so the box closes easily. And put the rest in a new box.
  • Use the Right Box Size – Use big boxes for light weight items and smaller boxes for heavier items. If you use big boxes for heavy items there is a good chance that the boxes will break when you carry them.
  • Empty Everything – Don’t transport draws, cupboards or anything else in a lazy fashion. Empty everything out. Not only is transporting furniture with things inside dangerous but if you do this you risk damaging everything that’s inside.
  • Your First Night – Have a think about your first night in your new home. What will you need? Make sure it’s easy to access. Maybe even label one box ‘First Night’ and put all the essential in there like toiletries, some clothes. And so on. And of course since it’s 2018 you phone chairing cable!
  • Furniture First – The first thing you need to do after you finish packing is to dismantle your furniture. Take apart everything that is easily dealt with. Make sure you don’t do something that can injury you. It’s best to have someone help your with bigger furniture like a friend or even hire a professional moving company to do the work.
  • Box all the Screws – All the screws that you end up with should be sorted. Use several zip lock bags and write what furniture item the screws were from on the front of the bag. Then keep all the zip lock bags in one box so you know where they all are.
  • Flat Pack – Everything that can be flat packed should be flat packed. It’s much easier to flat pack than it is to transport fully build tables and desks around town for example.
  • Re-use What You Have – Not everything needs to be packed in packing boxes. If you have suitcases in the house for your holidays then use them to transport your clothes during your move.
  • Stack Plates  Sideways – When packing plates don’t stack them on top of each other. Stack them sideways and wrap each one with bubble wrap. This is the safest way to transport them without any breakage.
  • Take Pictures – Unless you have a photographic memory it’s best to take pictures of all your electronics. With 20+ cables going in every direction for a home cinema setup it could take hours to reconnect. Or it could take 5 minutes if you know exactly how to reconnect everything from a photo.
  • Spill Proof – Make sure everything is spill proof before packing. Tear off a piece of plastic bag and open a container and then screw the lid back on with the plastic inside.
  • Cut Proof – Make sure anything sharp is adequately packed with extra material so no-one gets hurt.

As a bonus you can watch this video also for 30 more packing tips:

That is it for the packing tips. Hopefully these tips were helpful and make your move easier. Next up are moving tips in part two.

You can read part two here.

Our HUGE 2 Part House Moving & Packing Tips Collection [Part 1] Read More »

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